Friday, June 22, 2007

The Countdown has Begun

In just seven days, 8 hours and fourty minutes from the writing of this post the iPhone will be released (Yes it is another iPhone Post). While my personal excitement has wained slightly because I have made the decision to not get one for a couple of months, I am sill foaming at the mouth to see what developments will take place over the next few months. I am hoping that by December we will hear of an iPhone update with a 3G antenna, a lower price point and maybe some good deals on Data/Voice plans (we still so not have details on these yet).

I have been perusing the applications that people have developed for the phone, which will be available over the web through Safari. Some have been very usable and designed in " the apple fashion" like the shopping list app, and the Gas finder app. But there is going to be a plethora of these applications, and I for one would like to wait and see which bubble to the top.

I have been tracking most of my iPhone news through Engadget and MacRumors. They have both been really good about putting up details, even some crazy things like this. I am going to keep watching. It is an exciting time in Apple Fanboy world.

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